Card's author :
Outils Réseaux
Card's type of licence :
Creative Commons BY-SA
To begin with :
Twitter is the chirps of birds, that's why the log is a little blue bird. Created in 2006; Twitter is a microblogging plateform: the equivalent of an SMS but on the internet. Tweets of 140 characters maximum can be sent and received.

Official website :
Tool's boxes :
Introduction :
Requirements :
Opening a Twitter account
Some practical uses :
- Communicating about a network's activities.
- Web watching with Twitter
Using the tools :
Going further :
Testing space :
Documentation :
Documentation :
Advantages :
- A very quick and exponential propagation effect. With the system "follower/following" : creation of a much more flexible social network than with Facebook.
Drawbacks :
- Only 140 characters : no way to be profound.
- Written form and specific codes that can put off beginners : Twitter is more confidential than Facebook
Licence :
Proprietary software, Free
Using :
Setting up :
No setting up