Card's author :
Mathilde Guiné, Outils Réseaux
Card's type of licence :
Creative Commons BY-SA
To begin with :
"SPIP is part of the CMS sites. It is nothing less than one of the greatest software successes in the free francophone sphere (for example, with the distribution of Linux Mandriva; except that the latter belongs to the world of enterprise rather than collaborative organizations). It is also a cooperative success since the project is supported by a broad and active community that ensures reactivity, quality and durability" (taken from the Framasoft factsheet).

Official website :
Tool's boxes :
Content Management System (CMS)
Introduction :
Requirements :
Having network access, a web server software and a database system (i.e. MySQL).
Some practical uses :
Using the tools :
Going further :
Advantages :
- It offers many customization options, many functions, a large community of developers and is multi-lingual.
- It uses a specific language (and in French) to modify the code, which is much simpler than usual programming languages. To summarise, it is possible to play around with the pages and architecture without knowing anything at all about PHP.
Drawbacks :
- This community is smaller by far than other CMS meaning it has fewer available templates and plugins to customize Spip than other CMS.
Licence :
Open sources, Free
Using :
It could be easier but also more complicated
Setting up :
Reserved for IT Jedis