Scoop it
Card's author :
Emilie Hullo, Outils Réseaux
Card's type of licence :
Creative Commons BY-SA
To begin with :
Scoop it is an on-line platform to centralise search results creating topics (themed pages) on a specific subject, where links can be added to web pages and can be shared. The contents are organized into an attractive press review posted on the Internet. Users can subscribe to the accounts of other users, follow their searches and also "re-scoop" information (as they would re-tweet it on Twitter).
This service offers many functions giving the possibility of changing the order in which "articles" are shown (meaning quoted websites) as well as images, creating an editorial or even leave comments on pages.
This service offers many functions giving the possibility of changing the order in which "articles" are shown (meaning quoted websites) as well as images, creating an editorial or even leave comments on pages.

Official website :
Tool's boxes :
Web Watch tools
Introduction :
Requirements :
Internet browsing.
Some practical uses :
Using the tools :
Going further :
Advantages :
Easy and ready to use, Scoop it is both a very good search tool and an efficient service to broaden one's network on specific topics. It focuses a great deal on social networks, and makes it very easy to share contents on Twitter and Facebook. It also offers the possibility for users to suggest contents to other users. Also, there is a function to class items by tags making it easy to find information posted as well as a statistics tool.
Drawbacks :
- Scoop it lacks a system to categorize its resources and a summary.
- The free version is limited: users can only create 5 topics with their account and one single topic cannot be fed by several curators. Therefore, this version has not been optimized for collaboration.
Licence :
Proprietary software, Freemium
Using :
Setting up :
No setting up