Card's author :
Frédéric Renier, Supagro florac
Card's type of licence :
Creative Commons BY-SA
To begin with :
Pearltrees allows organizing bookmarks in a tree-like form. It allows sharing favourites from the internet on a website. It allows benefiting from others' searches but also to organise collaborative searches.

Official website :
Tool's boxes :
Web Watch tools
Introduction :
Requirements :
- knowing how to browse the net
- knowing how to install an extension on your browser
- flash reader on your computer
Some practical uses :
- Sharing bookmarks
- Collaborative searches
- Social bookmarking
- Organising bookmarks
Using the tools :
Advantages :
- original presentation
- linked to Twitter and Facebook
- Widgets generation
Drawbacks :
- data cannot be imported or exported
- No RSS feed
Licence :
Proprietary software, Freemium
Using :
Setting up :
No setting up