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2. What eases

At people's level

At tools level

At organisation level

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At project level

The 9 laws of cooperation

Lowering the threshold of acting out

Acting out with human beings tallies with a rude fall

Non consumables goods and environment of abundance

Communities which last converge on cooperation


Evaluation by esteem

Minimizing needs at the beginning

Minimizing failure risks by controlling critical tasks

Risk analysis

Auteurs : Association Outils-Réseaux et tous ses stagiaires
Crédits illustrations sous licence Creative Commons : CC-By Outils-Réseaux - CC-By Ell Brown - CC-By Cea - CC-By Marc Smith
Keywords :

A pad for a rural accommodation. What for?

Card's author : Corinne Lamarche - SupAgro Florac
Card's type of licence : Creative Commons BY-SA
Testimonies : Creating a pad in an association