1. What restrains
Main pitfall : lack of participation (non-collaborative situation)
At people's level
- Lack of time : to handle the tools, to use them
- Fear of other people's opinion, of judgement (from peers), of being ridiculous
- Problem with writing, with the language
- Disconnection with real life (too virtual, which person(s) and which project(s) are behind the tool ?
- Difficulty to change one's practices to adopt those of the group (resistance to change)
- Problems of copyrights, intellectual property, fear that information might be stolen, Fear of losing power by sharing information.
- Difficulty in handling tools, technical fear :
- fear of difficulty
- fear with web tools
- computer = complicated
- heterogeneousness of the group with the handling of tools.
- A difficult access to internet :
- slow connection
- obsolete software
- Difficulty to get logged in :
- loss of the password
- loss of the web address
- Lack of motivation for the project, members don't make the link with their own personal interests :
- fear of misunderstanding messages
- habit of a centralized working
- institutional environment
At tools level
- Fear of tools, of difficulty, of an not enough ergonomic interface : the computer is a problem.
- Equipment, obsolete connexion
- Protection, identification.
- Not adapted needs.
- An implementation that is not progressive enough, that doesn't take sufficiently into account the different stages of the group's life.
- Difficulty to translate texts with emotion and hidden meaning.
- Several tools for the same use.
- Need for a paper base, for concrete.
- Complicated Tools.
- One can't find how to participate.
- An evolution of tools that goes too fast (displays, features).
At facilitator's level
- Too many requests (urgent ! To validate, misled question).
- Omnipresence or absence of the facilitator.
- Messages too long, too many items of information , not enough transparency.
- Founder = gravedigger.
- Employee : the financing of the job overrides on the network's objectives.
- Not enough listening of the group's needs.
- The facilitator does himself instead of making do.
- Mixing up in the roles : management, leadership, facilitator.
At project level
- Ethical drift, risk of rupture.
- Institutional representation ( Fear of losing power by sharing information.).
- Demobbing : bad apprehension of involvement.
- Difficulty in perceiving concretely the projects, its results.
- Relevance of the project.
- Vocabulary : level of the shared jargon ?
- Complexity : members can't see the entirety of the project any more.
- Level of involvement that is too high.
- Lack of visibility: of the time required, of the project's interest, of its purpose.
- No facilitator.
- No tracks of the project's story.
The time
- Lack of time :
- for the handling of tools
- for the involvement in the project.
- Different rhythms: employees / volunteers.