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Writing Rules transposed into the Web

Generally, web writing takes up the basic rules of written press. We find there the same main writing items as in the writing techniques of traditional media. Namely :

Lede and title elements

The article is written around core elements which are:

The Five Ws, Five Ws and one H rule

The Five Ws, Five Ws and one H rule is a mnemonics approach to remember essential information which have to appear in the article. It consists in answering the following questions :

The principle of the inverted pyramid

Pyramide inversee.png

Recurring in written press, the principle of the inverted pyramid is based on the development of facts in decreasing order. It goes from general information to specific ones. Vital information are at the beginning following the postulate that the reader tunes out progressively. This technique leads naturally to rank and structure information. Widely used in the world of web writing, it is not inescapable, as often claimed. Web allows indeed to use hypertext links to go to the most specific and have several levels of reading.

Or the "Champagne " approach

Today the technique of the inverted pyramid is questioned by some web writers for the benefit of the "Champagne " approach. Proposed by Mario Garcia, a famous graphic designer, this approach consists in organizing information to boost the reader's attention approximately every twenty one lines. The sought after goal is to keep the netsurfer interested and concentrated.

Designing readable and attractive texts : work on style

As with paper, it is compulsory to design readable and attractive texts to bind the netsurfer's reading and to develop loyalty by :
Writing pleasant texts. In order to do that it is recommanded to :

Acquiring and developing a style. For this purpose, it is recommanded to :

To have at your disposal more elements on the basic rules of journalistic writing : "Improve your writings by incorporating method and principles of journalistic writing ".