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To go further

Web 2.0 dans Ressources TIC / Laurent Marseault (furax37)

Photo : Markus Angermeier - Wikipedia - CC-BY-SA
Keywords :

Web writing

Card's author : Outils-réseaux
Card's type of licence : Creative Commons BY-SA
Description :

Writing for the web : a journalistic writing potentiated by digital technologies

Contrary to a yet too popular belief, one can't write for the web just like that. Apart from an ability shared by journalists to organize and write out information, this exercise needs a good knowledge of the Internet's issues and a methodology peculiar to this tool, actually taking into account that a Netsurfer reads differently the Internet than a newspaper. Care must be taken to get his attention, to guide him, to enable him to come and go easily in the different strata of the site through links and to provide him straight away what he came for : clear, organized and updated data.